Thursday, March 17, 2011

Oops! & Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I just realized that I said I’d leave you with a quilty picture and I posted a picture of the kitty…lol I guess I need to snap some new quilty ones! So how about a pretty little St. Patrick's Day art? Smile with tongue out

For each petal on the shamrock
this brings a wish your way-
Good health, good luck, and happiness
for today and every day.

Trying out Windows Live Writer

Thought I’d check out Windows Live Writer…I really like all the extra “stuff” it has. Thumbs up

The last few days have been really productive! I’ve put binding on two snuggle quilts and finished the quilting on another for the firehouse. The binding on the 3rd will get done today! Yea! Rolling on the floor laughing I am trying to get the stack of tops I have done turned into quilts so I can get them donated to the fire department before we move. I am excited about the move…but dread the packing and cleaning…ugg…

We’re in the middle of buying our first home. Exciting and scary all at the same time. We had our inspection yesterday afternoon and for the most part it went really well. A couple thing that need attention, but nothing horrible that would want to make us walk away from the house.

It’s going to be a lovely day today! I think a walk is in order later on! Will leave you with a quilty picture just so I can try out the photo part of this program. Winking smile


Saturday, March 12, 2011


I'm playing with string blocks today. =0) I love making easy and a great way to reduce some of my scraps. I've been working almost exclusively out of my scrap bin since the beginning of the year. Funny thing about scraps...they don't ever seem to go away. :/ I think I'll spend some of this weekend chopping up more of my scraps into usable sizes. One of these days I'll get them organized. lol =3

Happy Stitching! Trish

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I haven't posted anything about Chester in a LONG I thought it would be good to give an update. So far I've quilted more than 3/4 of the center blocks and the first inner border. Triple diagonal lines are easy, but time consuming...The inner border is a twist which I like as it offers a new texture. The pieced border will have more triple diagonal lines and some sort of wreath or flower in the open spaces...and the last wide grapevine border will probably have some sort of curvy filler quilting so that the quilting is even across the surface. I am really hoping that I can get this quilt finished by next fall for our bed. I love it! <3 So...6 months?

I had to put a picture of Jersey in here too...he's such a silly cat. Must be wherever you are and part of the action. teehee


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

snuggly quilt for the firehouse. :)

Here's a picture of the most recent top finished for donation to the firehouse. I have probably 7-10 tops that need to be finished up and then taken over. I had a lot of fun using up these 9 patches that have been hanging around the house for close to a decade! sad...I know. :? The streak of lightning setting was a joy to put together and I will definitely be using it again! Great way to quick use up those sad little orphan blocks.
