Thought I’d check out Windows Live Writer…I really like all the extra “stuff” it has.
The last few days have been really productive! I’ve put binding on two snuggle quilts and finished the quilting on another for the firehouse. The binding on the 3rd will get done today! Yea! I am trying to get the stack of tops I have done turned into quilts so I can get them donated to the fire department before we move. I am excited about the move…but dread the packing and cleaning…ugg…
We’re in the middle of buying our first home. Exciting and scary all at the same time. We had our inspection yesterday afternoon and for the most part it went really well. A couple thing that need attention, but nothing horrible that would want to make us walk away from the house.
It’s going to be a lovely day today! I think a walk is in order later on! Will leave you with a quilty picture just so I can try out the photo part of this program.