Yikes! It's been busy around here! Right now I'm in the middle of baking up several batches of cookies/candies for the fire house's flower and bake sale this weekend. I needed a break, that last batch has made my arms sore. :? They should turn into lovely iced sugar cookies in the end. I have got to get a bigger food processor if I'm ever to make those again or any other cookies that call for a food processor for that matter. We still are using the little one we received as a wedding gift (almost 20 years ago!) which is great for chopping up a cup of nuts or making bread crumbs...but not for mixing dough. So I had to mix mine in small batches which took forever. Then I had to try to combine those batches together by hand. Think I'll switch gears while it chills and make some candies. Requires no kneading...lol
On the quilty front, I've been working on a few ufo's. Still plugging away at hand quilting Chester. I have about 3/4 of the center and plain inner border quilted. So that feels good! Still making my little Farmer's Wife blocks. I think I'm up to # 42. :) Pulled out my Grandmother's Flower Garden and started working on that again. It's one of those projects that goes in spurts. I seem to feel the need to work on it late in the winter. Maybe it's my way of willing spring to arrive. It's so bright and cheery. I've also started making the blocks for Barbara Brackman's Civil War Quilts. I need to hurry up and get this weeks done so I don't fall behind.
Rachael is gearing up for college. :) So excited for her! She's applied to UCONN and now we are just waiting to hear back from them. Laura is getting ready to try out for the Freshmen Softball team at NFA. I hope she makes it! Mathew is, Mathew...busy with playing video games and playing outside in the snow. lol
Back to baking! =3
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